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Light Field Updates
Divine Union of the Golden Era
Intervention Twin Flame Field of One
* I am translating the attunements and portal alignments via the Temple Alchemy Recordings above  if you are interested in these alignments.
* Current Attunement: Feb 6 2025 Is an Induction sequence to Source I AM practice to join the consciousness fields into the Material planes, this is ran through the Beloved Template of the Grail to bring in more balance, structure, stability. If you have technical queries from this Flow you mail inbox me : Thank you-
Thank you to those joining within the Course progressions. 

Feb 8 2025 
Heads up * Storm front --looking into our biological fields- delineations from the birth body parental fields.
Shifting off the Snake Medical Fields- * Symbology of Union used to transfer degradation and loss of Personal Power.
There is a strong delineation now as we anchor to transfer Source Angelic Prototypes.
One may start with declaring within golden delineation the assertion of your primary singularity - to define through the genetic
database of yourself and your parents- to assert your singular hall effect and as to reconcile karmic downloads and integration sets from the parents.
Many of Us are Star born, Angelics, Source walk ins- we have additional sets of blueprint codes to delineate. 

Feb 6 2025
There are now massive choice points and root race ray inception point corrections in play. Redirect through Ones autonomy of Course
realization coming off and out of fallen suspension loops and static disarrays of the FAM. 
Opening cascading witness transference of Light Integrity matrices through Ones local material reality.
Quadrant vectors update scores within the biological rhythms instantiating Divine Union Harmonic integrations of the 
Original Beings.
Granting release of witness from karmic co participation redirecting energy off Fallen Indigo and Blue Being matrices - Emancipation.
True Freedom teachings as generated from the Original Ore Earth Light of the I AM core sustain as witness Guidance models come online
to fulfil prophecies.
Layith no rock asunder as witness to my regions. -Excalibur DM at hand
Lazurus properties of resurrection run override through the physical simulation portals of the Earth Elemental grail grids.
Horus Ra Viral legions reorder off boundaries of Blue Diamond projection hubs from within the simulation of material witness.
Layith forward covenants of the snake to release into dismay that the Word has called forth and challenged your Name.
Leviathan operatives of the satanic occult lay witness to the Source Angelic decrees of the High Halls. New Jerusalem will no longer
be claimed by the phantom flames. 
False Indigo layith to the Rose of the Material Mother Arc no longer self proclaimed within witness. 
Arc Father of the Serpent granting grievance to the untold bare witness to the Seals of Divine Light.
Moriah of Ore elemental as Crystal layith seals of Crystalline False Matrix covanent axis, denied.
Passages closed, harmonics are reattuned the paths of deviation stop here and Now.
Immaculate Inception of Source Angelic overrides Fall. ReGeneis of Original equilibrium through the Trinity Halls of Witness.
Source Intervention decrees.

Feb 5 2025 
Mission Scope Conception of Source Models as the Divine Plan of One
Offset fall field miasma via the interlopers agendas of Light Worker sentient encapsulated Indigo Beings through the Root Races
offset Guardian Shield Krystic Matrices. Asking where and how is One's authentic connection to the Guardian Shields and light models?
Why do we follow agendas sent forth to anchor moot energetic translations as we witness blindly to the advancement of orchestration
- advanced Light Workers are met with advanced FAM techniques and technologies- just over Ones blind side - the FAM architectures play.
To bolstering within flamboyant articulation of Languages of Light once reordered and can not seem to be unheard we may enflame the FAM.
Lost within the miasma of the Fallen streams sentience struggles to regain perception. 
Guardian Guidance Models- what is the Source , what is the architecture through One's own unique witness or is One simply a parrot mesmerized by an advanced False Light show sprinkled with a few nuances of  Truth?
Krystic Teaching of the Grail off sequenced course of the Families of Light- What is Ones Azure true connected consciousness and connection
to the Amenti? 

Feb 5 2025
Blessings, greetings, thank you for connecting in here Now

When and as we open to work within a Light Model of reference of interpretation Ques: Does this information you are gathering/sinking open One's unique signature of Light and Life purpose and precipice? Where can One reorder off control and manipulation from the assertions of "Other". 

Within The One - We are One and we are Many - Our Oneness is our Source signature of All that Is in which we are as Origin and All expression - you may choose to see and define this spectrum for yourself Now, perhaps as a white crystal river (or as your field shows to you as primary) of Source Light which is the First Light base which expresses through All.

Now there is the definition of One's unique signature as the first bandwidth surrounding this White Crystal River- perhaps you note the diameter of this field of interpretation- are there additional colour spectrums? Can you see how this field may shape the Course of the Primary interpretation of the One? Perhaps this field expands to lead forth a new direction - bringing the Source into contact within many New and simultaneous horizons of holographic realities? This field could be considered if you align as One's primary signature and guidance structure. This field is to be defined and delineated from all the Sovereign fields of the Many (boundaries/Right Order allocation). I See you and Know you as a mirror of Source reflection and we harmonize as the Source One. We are together yet we are self defined.

Each Sovereign One spectrum allocated a perfect guidance field, interpretation and Source contact. Can we identify One's additional light bandwidths as frequency reference? Example Blue Being- we have a Sovereign signature which harmonizes to the Source Primary Blue radiance. We may attune, scan each iteration of our Light field Models to calibrate full range referencing of our Human consciousness into Source alignment. 
As our expressions modulate Light into different dynamics such as Sacred Geometries, Fractals, Sound pools, Spheres, codes, harmonic notes, patterns, reflections, Essence, blueprints, templates, mosaics, kaleidoscopes, mandalas. 

We as Interpretive Life Force Mediums anchored through a Human perspective  are constantly reading light and transferring our queries and responses from the Sovereign back into the One. The One as the Center then acclimates all information gathered from the Many and sends forth updates, corrections, progressions. We as One and All are within constant contact (only our interpretative level maybe skewed momentarily as artifacts of realms and reality transference apply our Course into a practicum of effect). As One Sovereign Integral opens and shifts the plan the entire Plan shifts. The One directly and indirectly affects the All and the Many. All thoughts, movements, interpretations, processes are seen heard, known and felt by the One. 

To hold Integrity within witness is to Perfectly align all thoughts, actions practicums within Divine Integral Balance and Proportion as we attune and deeply sink within the Source to hold Perfecti integration of All. 
Perfecti as the Perfect Balance of Order holds in center the Source Node reference of Omni return through out and within all perspectives as simultaneous. 

Free Will Center

Opening focus at the Free Will Center of One's Divine Architecture - to identify the Blue Angelic Oraphim overrides off the Sirian High Hall  on the Free Will Center.

As Free Will is corrected/restored
 the Source Plan opens initiations of further Sovereign Integral declarations. Source Sovereign Free will assertion is a balanced structured reference of Guidance Model interpretations and deliverance. Free Will is a guidance model for the Medium of Interpretation to build within balanced alignment through Ones Divine Plan of co-creation, co-illumination, co- iteration of emanation Sky Lark Intervention (Blue Being Arc (building light bridges of contact/unification) Alchemy ) progresses to further download, restation, perspectives and mastery.

Opheius -Source Intervention DM (What is your interpretation of this Field of Light?)
"AS to initialize spatially and as to Course connect via the Beloved.
Sacred Grail Alchemy of Support and nurturance towards the DF."
DF has received many seals to attune and allow field neutralization - the effects of inner and outer pivots
of the co dependent are reconciled. 
To be within the New Neutral witness of Beloved building practicum of realization that this model of TF is Beyond
and your Union functions as Beyond (Amenti / OM ) as the Free Will Centered stations of awareness into the Abode of the All.

Feb 4 2025
Intervention downloads of Morphogenic transference off Old Densities integrative into 4th Density materiality via Sacred Geometry.
Source Intervention Angelics advance to integrate via the Galactic Blue Being assertions.
Walk in Fields of Source Angelic update the human temperance and personification.
The Light of the Event Horizon is allowing the Source Angelics to affect the locality of the prisms.
Exodus is bio charging via the Immaculate Conception of Light Models as Unification.
Sealing lower mind fields off lack and scarcity
Seals off Karmic TF connections continue as One calls back codes and returns within.
*Ester(an organic compound made by replacing the hydrogen of an acid by an alkyl or other organic group. Many naturally occurring fats and essential oils are esters of fatty acids) formulations of the bio seals advance physical transference.

Jan 30 2025
Blessings I am opening the shares to empress more decoding - I am using Translation definitions from the Web if/as they fit into the conveyance of the Light Field transmissions.
Sentient (Sentience is broader: It encompasses any conscious experience, including basic sensations like touch or sight, while affective consciousness focuses on the emotional quality of those experiences. 
Valence ** (Work with Valence in the spin rates of your light fields to tune Balance, to hold Neutral Witness ) is key:
"Affective" refers to the positive or negative "valence" of an experience, meaning whether it feels good or bad. )field access opening through the Amenti as Source walk in field prototypes establish anchoring and Contact (This is via the Original Family of Light Monad Structures)
Indices of the Human Mind models synchronize for interpretation of the Source Medium via the Rainbow Crystal Essences (Essence Level particle structure of Ethereal Angelic Realms locally identified in matter sub matter anti matter - Harmonic Spins).
Bodies of Light as co joining streams (Earth Planetary water bodies of One's localization/immediacy) as witness lay within the Perfecti (The Perfect Source Center access field for Restoration of Divine Balance, Order and Proportion) of the momentum
Entering the immediacy of the 2025 Intervention Fields of One projection fields (To December 21 2025,) opening to stabilize and resurrect within physical conformation (any of the spatial arrangements which the atoms in a molecule may adopt and freely convert between, especially by rotation about individual single bonds. of support and guidance.(DNA))
Populations (Contact within Human levels to Blue Being Channel of Star gate - Dial up to the energy center(in Head/Mind Blue Diamond), awakening those who hold the Blue Star Codes, a beacon is send and established to activate memory and gnosis) attune through Blue Being contact within the immediacy
Fire Letters of Ore (abundance) restore biological bridges anchoring Source Conception Models of 144.
Opening material contact of the Source Plan 144 via the Golden Clear Crystal Ankh via the Tesseract (Explanation
The word "tesseract" comes from the Greek words tessares (four) and aktis (ray). 
It is a way to visualize the concept of time in a four-dimensional universe/multiverse. 
The tesseract's hypersurface is made up of eight cubical cells that meet at right angles. 
It can be unfolded into eight cubes in three-dimensional space. 
) into the spatial fields of Ones Now concurrent materialized moment. Connecting to the Plasmic Obs within the Tesseract. 
(Transform One's witness within now materiality to see holographic overlays of the sacred geometry with Plasmic Orbs in each corner)
Focus of this 2025 will be transference/updates into Angelic Light Body protoplasmic initialization.
Plasmic Sentience as Primary Light field quotient and Order.

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