CreatedbyIndigo Temple Alchemy
CreatedbyIndigo Temple Alchemy
Field Light Work Deepening
Deepening session to connect via the Indigo Egyptian Twin Flame Template phase shift to allow reset and reorientation through the Infinity sequences so as we find ourselves within the fallen fields to bring forward through the New Heart Model to reconnect to our Divine Blue Prints as we move into the New Fields of Unification. This session focus is attunement and technical interface referencing.
Deepening session to connect via the inner planes via our biology bringing forward the Angelic Harmonic Arcs of DF reference to build into the Mother Earth Primordial aspects. The Royal Blue presents as Union calibrates through the transits as we sweep out the field order of manipulations and distortions.
Deepening session to connect with the Sirian Planes and the Earth Realms through field work referential interfaces. Connecting deeper we reveal through further field progressions of the Intervention and activation of Union Divine via the DF and the Elemental Planes to the Angelic Harmonics while co referencing our channel activations and progressions of light sequence.
Deepening session to assist within the light transmissions the orientations of False Light and the effects of our transits into the Original Timelines. How we are to see beyond and pivot into the new expression of our true nature. This segment addresses the corruption of the Emerald Order through the Divine Feminine False Light.