March Intervention Field of One Updates
Currents underway within the revitalization of omni harmonic sequences through the Grail Light symphonies. Multitonal returns within the...

Intervention Field of One Updates to Fields of Amenti Union
This post opens on Nov 2 2023 and will be updated as a primary axis map to route the progressions of the Plan. Updated Feb 14 2024 Course...

Original Earth Consciousness ~ Original Realms of Being within Materialization
Through the seeding of the Original Earth consciousness equilibrium of the plain We are decided upon and within the sacrament of overtone...

Divine Masculine ReArc of Royal Immortal Consciousness
Massive downloads as Intervention updates and downloads new sacred geometries to build inception points of return. As we sit within the...

Beloved Arcs of I AM Grail Consciousness of Source Angelic Union
Amenti advancements within the bio particulate enhance instances of the Beloved physicalization of the station joins. Intercepts of Nubia...

Twin Flames Elemental Alchemy Intervention Transfers
Subsiding effects and breath of equilibrium we set into motion new events of the horizons wrapped within the recapitulation models of the...

Twin Flame Tenants of Multitonal Expression
As we place instance within this new day of Goddess God Alchemy to deliver within and through our multitonal decrees. As rewriting in the...

Twin Flames in the Golden Age of Maitreya
Eternal Infinite light bonds braids of gnosis, holy arcs of Divine Prophecy fulminate, entering no biphasic form, fields flow, expanding,...

Union is Held
As the Many as the One we come forward now We initialize into the tonal plane within this day to speak within the ranges of the...

Intervention Field of One: Equinox updates
Intervention Field of One: Adjustments into the local bio field tones. Stations of Regulus (Union)identify through put gate orientations...